
Andrew Christensen and his colleagues and students have presented clinical workshops and given research presentations on Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT) at the local, state, national, and international levels. The clinical workshops are for practicing clinicians and typically are full day or two day events that include information about the theory, assessment and practice of IBCT as well as videotaped illustrations of these practices from couples in treatment. Research presentations are typically invited presentations or research symposia at national or international conferences.

If you are interested in sponsoring a workshop in your area, please contact Andrew Christensen directly from the Contact page.

Existing webinars on IBCT available for CE credit:

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Cognitive Behavioral Associates
(note: taking these 2 webinars in the order listed will give you a good overview of IBCT)
American Psychological Association



March 24–28, 2025Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
September 9–13, 2024Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
April 19, 2024Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyTwo-hour introduction to IBCT for Russian-speaking therapists who have a Center in the Balkans.
Online Only
April 4–5, 2024Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyTwo-day workshop for Latin American therapists
(In English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and Portuguese)
Online Only
March 18–22, 2024Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
January 11–February 8, 2024Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for American and European therapists.
Conducted over five Thursdays between January 11-February 8, 2024.
Online Only
September 18–22, 2023Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
March 20–24, 2023Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
January 12–February 9, 2023Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for American and European therapies.
Conducted over five Thursdays between January 12–Feburary 9, 2023.
Online Only
September 12–16, 2022Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
July 29–30, 2022Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyTwo-day workshop for Brazil
(all in English)
Online Only
February 28–March 4, 2022Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
December 10, 2021Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy2-part webinar
12:00–1:30 PM (EST)
2:00–3:30 PM (EST)
Online Only
August 13, 2021Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy2.5-hour workshop for the American Psychological Association ConventionOnline Only
August 2–6, 2021Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
July 19–23, 2021Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
March 26, 2021Acceptance and Change Strategies in Couple TherapyTwo-hour webinar
Online Only
September 21–25, 2020Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyFive-day workshop for the US Department of Veterans AffairsOnline Only
January 7–9, 2020Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsSan Antonio, Texas
November 21, 2019Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne-day workshop for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Atlanta, Georgia
October 11, 2019Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne-day workshop for the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy
Berkeley, California
April 9–11, 2019Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsCharlotte, North Carolina
Jan 23–25, 2019Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran’s AffairsPortland, Oregon
Dec 14, 2018
9 AM (Pacific)
Acceptance and Change in Couple Therapy: Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies1.5-hr Online Webinar
Sept 5, 2018Acceptance and Change in Couple Therapy: Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne-day workshop for the Center for FamilieudviklingCopenhagen, Denmark
Aug 9, 2018Acceptance and Change in Couple Therapy: Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne-day workshop at the annual convention of the American Psychological AssociationSan Francisco, CA
July 31-Aug 2, 2018Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsRichmond, VA
March 3, 2018Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne day workshop for the Foundation for the Contemporary FamilyIrvine, CA
Jan 23-25, 2018Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsSan Antonio, TX
Nov. 17, 2017Acceptance and Change in Couple TherapyMaster Clinician Seminar at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesSan Diego, CA
Oct. 26, 2017Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne-day workshop for the University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, PA
July 25–July 27, 2017Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsDetroit, MI
May 15–May 17, 2017Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyThree-day workshop for the U.S. Department of Veteran's AffairsOrlando, FL
April 22, 2017Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyOne day workshop through UCLA ExtensionLos Angeles, CA